Nobody knows the power of mindfulness better than Nadja van Osch. After struggling with finding her own direction in life, Nadja discovered how mindfulness can help, and made it her mission to share her experience with others. Three years ago, she moved from the Netherlands to the beautiful island of Bali to follow her heart and start Mindful Bali, a business helping women find true happiness by looking within.
Can you please describe your daily routine for us?
My one habit that is absolutely non- negotiable is my morning meditation. I need my meditation to raise my frequency before I start my day, to clear my head, reconnect to myself and go through my day calm and focused.
Early mornings are my absolute favourite time of the day and I don’t schedule in client sessions before 11 am so I have the morning for myself. I usually stay in bed now and cuddle with my now 2 ½ month old son Navi. When I leave the house, I express gratitude for everything I can think of to get myself in a good space and make the day flow easier. At the end of the day I always make sure I go to the beach for a walk with my partner, the baby and our dog and see the sunset.

That sounds lovely. Do you have any weekend routines that help you relax after a busy week?
Anything that allows me to reconnect back to myself. I go to the beach, have a nice walk and a swim. I read my books, I write and meditate. I love to go to Yin yoga to comfort and nurture myself; it is one of my favourite self -love practices.
You mentioned books. Do you have any reading suggestions for our fans?
I’m currently re-reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. A valuable message in the book that I believe in and teach a lot is that suffering is not only part of life and unavoidable, but it’s also very necessary and valuable. You only have to know how to deal with it and have the right mind- set to use it for growing and finding a new level of genuine happiness within yourself.
Do you have a favourite quote that inspires you?
There are many, but my ultimate favourite is “let love rule.” We are love. Finding genuine happiness within yourself comes down to being present and choosing love over fear. The moment that love conquers fear is when we come back to ourselves and our truth, because our essence is love. And anything that is not love is a lie that traps us. The lesson is to see the fear for what it is, a lie, and being able to let go of that and come back to love.
Finding genuine happiness within yourself comes down to being present and choosing love over fear. The moment that love conquers fear is when we come back to ourselves and our truth, because our essence is love.
Where in your home do you most like to relax?
My hammock. It’s where I read my books and it’s especially magical when there’s a full moon. It reminds me of how everything is possible. A few years back when I lived in a crappy apartment in Rotterdam and was deeply unhappy, I started visualising my dream. The picture that came to my mind was always me in a hammock, in my own home, surrounded by palm trees and completely relaxed, happy and content with where I am. I made that a reality and it makes me feel extra grateful for the life I have now.
We’re strong believers in gratitude at Rituals. Speaking of, can you share your favourite product with us?
This is a hard one. I did a 6- month internship at the Rituals head office in 2008 and learned a lot about the importance of daily routines, Ayurveda and creating a sacred space for yourself. I loved all the products, but I think my favourite one is still the scented candles. They are the ultimate little luxury and they lift my spirits. I love coming home and lighting the candle to help me relax and unwind.